


The cooperation project is particularly aimed at young people in training or in the process of professionalization. For many of these young people, eco-anxiety reflects fear of climate change and the future (which came across strongly in the performance TRAVELS WITH KAFKA). Their desire for action is mixed with a feeling of helplessness and revolt. So, what response can we find to improve the situation? Is there really one? Should we question our economic model ? And can we still dream of another world ?

We started from the thought of Franz Kafka to guide the debate on the contradictions of our neoliberal societies in the face of the ecological challenge.
Architecture being the art that best allows us to reflect on society and envision new worlds, we have chosen to open the field of possibilities by dreaming of architectural utopias.
These meetings were not intended to formulate answers or establish an action plan, but rather to think and rethink our societies together in the face of a climate emergency.

Three meetings/debates were therefore offered in parallel with the presentation of the performance TRAVELS WITH K. in Rennes, Berlin and Malmö.

